Built by Gadzooks1313Help fromZyustxXKillerXx757BlakHawkyThe tetracontrahedron, or Tetrac for short, is a really cool mathematicalshape I found out about a week or so ago. The best way I can describe ...

Follow me To Get New Tutorials Everyday!Want a Built-In Power Line to your own Village or City? Well you came to the right place! Building a Power Line is a simple process. All you need is:Some blocks ...

So I've been pretty busy with uni lately, but this was something I'd thought about a lot and I came up with a way to send an infinitely expandable chain of redstone with trip wires. Let me know what y ...

The most complicated logic-gate to build in Minecraft is the XOR-gate. (Well, actually it is the XNOR but it is just a XOR with a NOT at the end.) On a XOR-gate any of the inputs (usually two) can be ...

BUD switches (short for Block Update Detector) can be triggered without levers, buttons, tripwires, or any other traditional switches. Instead, they're triggered by changes in block status. That is, p ...

Sometimes the hardest part about getting your minecart rolling is the beginning takeoff. Have you ever started a minecart on a hill, and then tried to jump into it as it started moving, only to fail a ...

For a while I've been playing around, buliding a redstone playground. I've tried to gather and build some things, from a simple AND-gate to more complex things.It is not supposed to be a place where I ...

The main objective is to defend your Obsidian temple while attempting to destroy the opponents. To do so a pickaxe will spawn 3m after you begin and every 3 minutes after that in the temple in the cen ...

Okay, it's not actually cake-powered, but it does use cake!Owing to the fact that cake and trapdoors are less than half a block tall, we can use fenceposts (which are a block and a half tall) attached ...